Book Review : Blue Like Jazz By Donald Miller

Miller mainly has both the churched (traditionally) and the unchurched, inclusive of the skeptics. On page 30, paragraph 6, he explains his thought and perceptions as he experienced bible stories within Church settings .he uses the third person plural (we /us) to convey that he was part of it. Thus, this example speaks to Christians who might have had the same experience, though not necessarily the same perceptions. He also addresses Non-believers. Pg. 124, Paragraph 2. During the “confessions “ on Reed University campus, this young man accepts Don’s apologies, while relating indirectly that he wasn’t a Christian, because it wasn’t popular.

I perceive that he is seeking to separate the book from a purely Traditional Christian gift-wrap. He highlights a theme that connects Spirituality to a non religious definition. It seems totally unorthodox, because most people tend to think that the non-religious are not capable of ‘spirituality” so to speak.

To Miller, Spirituality exists not just within the framework
of religion, but in the natural man, who seeks something higher than himself
for direction and fulfillment.  He highlights the argument because too his knowledge and experience, Christians in general often equate Spirituality with Church fellowship and ritual. In their eyes, it’s a “them” and “us” issue. This book was totally awesome, minus the
many allusions to non-biblical salvation formulas, for a deliberate lack of a
better word.  However, I endorsed what he said as to why we have problems in life sometimes.   “Your problem is not that God is not fulfilling, your problem is that you are
spoiled”. P.g. 92. p. 2 Also. “Love is both what happens to you and something
you decide upon”   P.g 104. p. 2 .I take these two very personal and they made me think and question certain motives and behavior I sometimes exhibit, which reflect my self-centeredness and pride

I was really concerned as to : a.) an explanation of salvation using examples devoid of a biblical hermeneutic and b) the accepting of all people and their behavior or lifestyle, without really keeping in mind that you are trying to help them overcome things that keep them from God, as you work at it for yourself, personally. He expressed concern for thinking in these terms of general tolerance, on page 216, pg. 1, which was good, yet I
believe he defeated that statement. With the many allusions to praying for

The essence of my concern has to do mainly with the fact that some of his thoughts are more of feeling in contrast to reflection on the Bible, which God went to much trouble to allow us to have, for direction and as a guide, to respond to him, in worship and life. Secondly, the many who will read from an ignorant standpoint concerning scripture, will have a hard time to adjust to the truth of the Bible, because his opinion on salvation is nestled among a brilliant story of pursuing faith, developing faith and cultivating
faith ; i.e. paths on which we all are and seek direction.